Truth Has Been Caged

March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024 Lora Allison

Truth Has Been Caged

In a dream I saw a big sign in red and white, the size of a billboard. The background was red, and the letters were white. And the sign said TRUTH. And all across the face of the billboard were white bars. And the Lord began to speak, and he said truth has been caged. it has been set behind bars. And we know of course, that Jesus is the truth. And I saw soldiers in fatigues, and Great turmoil and upheaval as truth was kept behind bars.

And the eyes of the people were on the turmoil and the war, and no one saw the sign. And the Lord said it is up to my people to change the signs of the times. It is the plan of the evil one, just as it was so long ago, to crucify truth, to annihilate truth, to destroy truth. If My people would but see, open their eyes, and look and see, I have given them the keys to unlock truth, the keys to the prison doors are in the hands of my people. It is not my plan in this hour that the destiny of truth be in the hands of evil. I hold the keys to death hell and the grave, and therefore, so do my people. Come out of hiding the Gideons of today come out of hiding, ruled by the fear of the sight of the enemy. I am putting the sword, the sword of Gideon in your hand to go forth and do exploits, to liberate Truth and destroy the works of darkness in this hour.
